A Remarkable Teacher

Created by Charlotte 10 months ago

Mrs. Egan was a remarkable teacher. From her energetic Andrew Lloyd Webber stage productions to reading great literature to her rapt students, she was truly one-of-a-kind. Her creativity was unsurpassed; I mean who else has you read Animal Farm and then reenact its complex theme by doing a play of children overthrowing their teachers! I particularly recall the last book she read to us: Travels with Charlie by John Steinbeck. This was in my last year at the British School in Tehran. When I began boarding school in Edinburgh, I went on to read everything else by Steinbeck, beginning a lifelong passion for literature. I credit this to Mrs. Egan. I later become a writer. Unbeknownst to her, Mrs. Egan has played a significant part in my life. I wish I could meet her now as the young, adventurous and inspiring woman she once was and say: "Thank you, Janet. You were my favorite teacher."

Charlotte Safavi